
5 Game-changing OOH Advertising Trends for 2023

There’s no doubt that 2022 saw exceptional growth in OOH advertising and use cases for businesses and various establishments. According to a report from the OAAA, out-of-home advertising made 11% more revenue in the third quarter of 2022. This growth can be attributed to technological advancements like OOH ad modernization, virtual reality, laser lights, etc.

Several creative marketing campaigns have shown that OOH advertising is rapidly evolving from its traditional marketing standpoint to being more innovative toward brand visibility and conversion. So it’s not surprising that OOH advertising is leading the change among other advertising mediums. In 2023, OOH is looking to bridge the gap between traditional and digital media to reach target markets. 

Businesses need to navigate and capitalize on the opportunities of OOH advertising as it further solidifies its place as an effective marketing tool. If the trend that started in the last three years continues, OOH advertising will continue its upward momentum in 2023, progressively improving and reaching vast audiences. Here are five OOH advertising trends in 2023 that stand out for us.

1. More efficiency in user-generated OOH ad campaigns

User-generated OOH ad campaigns allow people to upload pictures or messages from their phones to billboards in public places after sharing them on social media. This is not a new development. Some companies like Twitter have launched user-generated OOH campaigns. If well utilized, it will be an exciting opportunity for users to be part of your company’s marketing strategy. 

Using user-generated content for OOH advertising will allow you to engage your customers better. Like Twitter, brands and businesses can connect their digital audiences with content lifted from their social media pages or websites. According to recent studies, user-generated photos are five times more likely to convert customers. 

Photo from Ojehs, Inc.

In 2020, the “Sending Love” user-generated OOH campaign won the Drum Awards for Best Collaborative Campaign. This campaign allowed participants to send a picture of them doing the heart-hand symbol. Their pictures were then displayed on billboards in their chosen cities.

Businesses can create social media campaigns using hashtags and use content from users for their OOH advertising. OOH can be an extension of digital media, and marketers willing to explore this trend will end the biases between both channels.

2. Widespread adoption of Interactive AR billboards

Augmented reality (AR) technology has revolutionized the advertising industry by offering a unique and interactive way to engage consumers. OOH advertising is slowly moving from static images on large billboards, and in designated areas, to using augmented reality to create ads that are captivating, engaging, and easy to share on social media. 

In the last three years, some brands have created OOH ad campaigns with the help of augmented reality. AR-powered billboards offer a new and exciting way to engage with consumers by allowing them to interact with the advertisement in real-time. For example, a consumer might use their smartphone to scan a billboard that brings an animated version of the product to life, offering them a unique and immersive experience. This can be especially effective for brands promoting new products or services, as it allows consumers to experience the product before making a purchase.

Bus stops are typically a static and passive form of advertising, but with AR technology, they can be transformed into interactive and engaging spaces. Pepsi’s bus stop ad in London is the best example of how an augmented reality ad campaign can engage users in the least expected place. In 2023, there will be increased usage of AR in advertising. The AR industry is estimated to reach 160 million dollars before the end of the year. This will further generate great conversions for businesses that use it for their OOH advertising.

3. Increase in Contextual OOH Ads

Contextual OOH advertising is a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach their target audience. Businesses can improve brand recognition and run more effective advertising campaigns by sending ads to the right people in the right place that are highly targeted and relevant. Contextual OOH advertising is a tried-and-true way to reach your target audience and your marketing goals, whether you want to reach people in your area or across the country.

Some of the best OOH advertising is contextual. With the data and production tools available today, we can customize our OOH ads for the spaces and locations where they sit. “This contextualization not only adds relevance but also increases engagement,” says Mark Skroch, the CEO of BCV Social.

McDonalds van contextual advertising
Photo licensed by Shutterstock

Contextual OOH advertising is a form of OOH advertising tailored to the ad’s specific context and location. With data, brands can leverage geolocation data to gain insights and update digital billboards and other outdoor media formats in real time. This lets them change the content of digital billboards and other outdoor media based on the weather, the time of day, the amount of traffic, and even how people move.

4. Innovative Experiential Ads

Experiential ads are one of the OOH trends that will stand out in 2023. Experiential ads are effective for OOH advertising because they offer a unique and engaging way for consumers to interact with a brand. This type of advertising allows businesses to reach their target audience in a memorable and impactful way, which can lead to higher levels of brand recall and a more effective advertising campaign. Also, experiential ads can make a lot of noise and get people talking on social media, making the ad’s effect even bigger.

Out-of-home advertising targeting millennials is expected to become normal practice. Brands can use experiential OOH ads to create a fully immersive, multi-sensory ad environment where customers may participate. If done correctly, this method can significantly increase the reach of your ad.

5. Integrating OOH Ads in Multichannel Campaigns 

Brands can add OOH ads to multichannel campaigns to increase the impact of each channel and get better results. When businesses use OOH ads as part of multichannel campaigns, they can reach their target audience more entirely and effectively. By using multiple channels, businesses can reach their target audience at different times and environments, resulting in higher levels of brand recall and a more impactful advertising campaign.

Whether you want to reach a local or national audience, integrating OOH ads in multichannel campaigns is a proven and effective way to reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.


OOH advertising is adapting to the fast-paced world, and by using user-generated OOH ad campaigns, brands, and businesses can maintain great engagements. OOH advertising trends for 2023 are consumer-centered, and all the above trends will help your business get wide coverage and consumer engagement. 

Also, interactive billboards, contextual ads, and experiential ads are trends to look out for as you conduct your OOH ad campaigns. Although some of these trends exist, they will be well utilized in 2023.

Nickelytics uses digital media and outdoor advertising to its advantage by using digital technologies to look at real-time data and the power of AI-made recommendations. The Nickleytics platform uses a geo-specific and robotic approach for OOH advertising, which boosts exposure through digital means.

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